Antenatal Support Boxes

It’s a beautiful way to give black mothers a hug and tell them they’re more than the statistics. To make them feel like they are heard and seen when doctors and sometimes family members make them feel like they are invisible
— Recipient
This made me feel recognised in a way the NHS has not been able to do. Gives great resources and info.
— Recipient
It was so positive to see my pregnancy reflected in a box and that others can see that we do really matter. It will open professionals eyes to do better and encourage us to advocate for ourselves more.
— Recipient

Created with Black birthers in mind and gifted (free of charge), these boxes deliver support and products that feel relevant, supportive, special and high quality.

We received 400+ requests in first 48hours of launch and were able to maximise this engagement to start crucial relationship building.

Included in our hampers are

  • tips from Black Mothers Matter to support the care received from NHS maternity professionals

  • some Black literature with a story that may resonate

  • a journal because sometimes writing things down is a good step to being heard

  • affirmation postcards because sometimes we need a reminder that ‘you got this’

  • some gifts because Black pregnancies deserve it

Thank You to the artists that allowed us to license and use their work. Lourdes Epam. Rochelle Clarke. Amaka Designs. Parys Gardener.