Race & Maternity Workshops

Following the ongoing success and impact of the Black Maternity Matters Programme - Black Mothers Matter have worked in collaboration with Representation Matters and BCohCo to develop a short course looking at race and maternity to improve practice.

On completion participants will feel more confident advocating for Black people during the perinatal period and also more confident having conversations about race.

This course is aimed at maternity professionals and advocates working outside the NHS system. The aim of this course is to equip learners with foundational knowledge required to better support Black birthers.

This will be achieved by:

  • looking at health inequalities;

  • exploring systemic bias;

  • examining unconscious biases and the role of the individual in perpetuating unsafe systems of care for Black women and birthers.

This course is delivered over a period of time - we don’t believe this work can be taught in a day and that supporting people to take the lessons and tools into the real world is key.

The course is designed by expert anti-racist educators and informed by clinical and community experts. This course looks specifically at anti-blackness and anti-racist practice rather than Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) more broadly. Although this course is focussed on Black and Black Mixed birthers some learning will be relevant in supporting other marginalised communities.

If you’re interested in this workshop or would like more details including course outline and costs please complete the form below and we will get back to you.