
We collaborate with researchers, academics and organisations, to improve project relevance, accuracy and reach to people racialised as Black.

Relevance & Accuracy

Whilst we strive to ensure Black voices and experiences are reflected in research by supporting with recruitment we need to have some confidence that your project is set up to gather accurate, relevant, fair information on those racialised as Black.

This may mean

  • You appreciate the difference between lived experience and lived expertise - and have people with diverse lived expertise involved in the early stages of your study planning and design.

  • Your project allows for participants to share their experiences from a racialised perspective.

  • You have started your personal anti-racist journey.

This list is not exhaustive and if you are unsure contact us regarding how we can support through consulting.

Reach & Recruitment

We are so tired of hearing that Black people are “hard to reach” with regards to research.

Our work means we are connected to a number of Black women across the UK, lots of whom are keen to have their voices and experiences heard. These relationships are something we value highly and treat with respect.

We receive multiple requests each month to support with recruitment on research projects. Whilst we are generally happy to share recruitment adverts we will only do this when you confirm what has been done to consider your relevance and accuracy.

We do not share recruitment adverts publicly on our social media unless we have been involved in project design.

Get in touch

To discuss how we can collaborate to improve relevance and accuracy and find out our fees for consulting on research projects please email us.

If you’d like us to support you with recruitment please email us including all of the following:

  1. name

  2. organisation

  3. project overview

  4. confirmation you’re considered your relevance and accuracy

  5. recruitment advert suitable for sharing via WhatsApp

  6. wording for supporting message including renumeration for participation and contact details for interested people.